Tryon Creek Bridge Construction

Tryon Creek park is huge with many trails but maybe not so many where bikes are welcome. Today I thought I'd explore mixed use horse trails but couldn't get to the park do to bridge construction at Arnold.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

google map 45.4476404, -122.6867777 BOUNDARY 45.4453477, -122.6910525 BOUNDARY 45.4495263, -122.6829098 45.4467315, -122.6875985 45.44664722222222, -122.68683611111112

On my return home I revisited Marshall Park, took a few more pictures, and then had a mechanical breakdown requiring rescue.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Arnold Creek meets Tryon Creek which continues under the bridge construction to the right.


Tryon Creek Watershed Council walk through the Boones Ferry culvert project site with colleagues from the Bureau of Environmental Services, Friends of Tryon Creek, & Oregon State Parks, to begin planning how to engage with neighbors, community partners, and volunteers as this exciting project nears completion. post

YOUTUBE tKJbIEd8X8c Published Sep 23, 2019.