Sylvan Headwaters

I headed east on Barns Road to find the headwaters of Sylvan Creek. Now southbound on 61st Drive I spotted the creek canyon on a hairpin turn. I detoured upstream on Salmon Street where more canyon views did not make good photographs. Onward.

Friday, September 3, 2021

45.5149851, -122.7399022 45.5152967, -122.7364663 45.5118972, -122.7415472 google map 45.5129778, -122.7432167 45.5131550, -122.7441274 45.5132556, -122.7444000 BOUNDARY 45.5100239, -122.7473693 BOUNDARY 45.5181047, -122.7314791

After heading south to Canyon Court and then back north through the apartment complex I got to the trail that looked much more substantial in the arial views.