Wide smooth dirt and gravel made the north end of this trail easy going with good creek views.
Sunday, August 22, 2021
45.42174444444444, -122.81194166666667
google map
45.418613888888885, -122.81507777777777
45.4187658, -122.8146968
45.4189993, -122.8145988
45.4191852, -122.8136095
45.4193030, -122.8133690
The trails became more difficult as I climbed up out of the creek canyon heading toward my exit on Morningstar Drive.
After passing this picnic table I expected trail to be easier, but not so. I took a spill that I don't remember but I do know that I was helped up by the only hiker I saw that day.
I walked my bike up and out which wasn't far but still not good trail. Still shaken up I just turned when my gps said turn and eventually found myself on familiar roads heading home.