I was headed west but my map showed this strip of green to the east so I explored it first.
Saturday, September 19, 2020
45.46243333333334, -122.80525277777778 45.46101388888889, -122.80586111111111 google map 45.4625493, -122.8058946 45.463950000000004, -122.80547222222222 45.46073055555556, -122.80567222222221 45.45947777777778, -122.80570277777778 45.45807777777778, -122.8055111111111 45.454905555555555, -122.80546666666666
There is a lot of north-south trail that I didn't take time to explore. I'll come this way again for sure.
Saturday, March 13, 2021
I'm back. Traveling north to south on a varied informal trail.
Passed this SW Stillwell Lane connector.
This trail to become the eventual 125th Ave extension.